Well, my 20-year reunion went well. It was great to see old friends and reconnect. There were a few people who still look the same but for the most part we've all aged a bit. There were quite a few people that I would never have recognized if I passed them on the street. Some said that I hadn't changed and some didn't recognize me at first. All in all, I felt pretty good being there even though I wasn't as thin as I would have liked to have been.
Our family camping trip went well too! Lots and lots of walking and hikes! My mom wore her Weight Watchers pedometer the whole time and we figure that we walked about 50 miles in 5 days. It felt great, but I have to admit that all of that activity (and just being outdoors) made me REALLY hungry. I ate more that I should have and that's probably why I gained but hey, I was on vacation!
Now that we're home and school is starting, I'm ready to get back on track! Early morning Wii Active workouts, mid-morning walks and meal planning for starters. I'm toying with the idea of taking a fitness kickboxing class - if I can convince a friend to join too, it's a go!

I brought home the new Weight Watchers cookbook, Comfort Classics. Can't wait to try the Bacon Tomato Cheddar Frittata, Skillet Macaroni and Cheese, Confetti Meatloaf with Cajun Barbecue Sauce and the Red Velvet Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting. I'll let you know how they turn out!
Well, happy back to school y'all!! Catch ya later!
Week Nineteen Results: +2.6 pounds
Total Weight Loss: -20.1 pounds
Determination Level: HIGH