Monday, October 5, 2009
WEEK 24??
Monday, September 7, 2009
- Spray a 10-inch ovenproof nonstick skillet with nonstick spray and set over medium heat. Add the onion and cook, stirring occasionally, until softened, 5 minutes. Transfer to a small bowl.
- Preheat broiler.
- Whisk the eggs, egg whites, milk, and pepper in a large bowl until blended. Stir in the onion bacon, tomato, and cheese.
- Wipe the skillet clean; spray with nonstick spray and set over medium heat. Add the egg mixture, reduce heat to medium-low, and cook, undisturbed, until the bottom of the frittata is firm, 8-10 minutes.
- Place the skillet under the broiler and broil 5 inches from the heat until the frittata is set in the center, 3 minutes. Garnish with chives, if using.
Per Serving (1/4 of fritatta): 198 Cal, 8g Fat, 3g Sat Fat, 0g Trans Fat, 178mg Chol, 711mg Sod, 9g Carb, 1g Fib, 22g Prot, 312mg Calc. POINTS value: 4.
I added 1 small red bell pepper (chopped) to the onion. That make it a bit more filling and added more flavor! I served it with whole wheat toast and a fruit salad.
By the way, for the fruit salad, I just chopped misc. fruit (1 apple, 1 orange, 1 banana, strawberries and grapes) and stirred in about 1 cup of fat-free vanilla yogurt. Then I sprinkled in about 2 tablespoons of shredded coconut. The coconut added SUCH yummy flavor! Give it a try!
Well, have a WONDERFUL week, y'all!
Total Weight Loss: -21.8 pounds
Determination Level: STILL HIGH
Monday, August 31, 2009
So Long Summer!
Well, my 20-year reunion went well. It was great to see old friends and reconnect. There were a few people who still look the same but for the most part we've all aged a bit. There were quite a few people that I would never have recognized if I passed them on the street. Some said that I hadn't changed and some didn't recognize me at first. All in all, I felt pretty good being there even though I wasn't as thin as I would have liked to have been.
Our family camping trip went well too! Lots and lots of walking and hikes! My mom wore her Weight Watchers pedometer the whole time and we figure that we walked about 50 miles in 5 days. It felt great, but I have to admit that all of that activity (and just being outdoors) made me REALLY hungry. I ate more that I should have and that's probably why I gained but hey, I was on vacation!
Well, happy back to school y'all!! Catch ya later!
Week Nineteen Results: +2.6 pounds
Total Weight Loss: -20.1 pounds
Determination Level: HIGH
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Looking forward to catching up with old friends, spending time with family, long walks & hikes, maybe a little rock climbing and relaxing by the campfire.
I'll share pictures when we get back!
Week Sixteen Results: -1.5 pounds
Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Le Core Femme !!!
Congrats Tonya!! Thanks to everyone who
stopped by to help me celebrate!!
Well, let's get down to business!!
Yes, I was a little better at planning this week.
Dinners - I tried a couple of recipes that I'll share with ya later. Lunches are where I fell short!! I'm focused this week though!
I stuck with the 4 days of Wii Active and ended up
walking ALL SEVEN DAYS!! So far, we've maxed out
at 2 miles, but I know that we can do more (Sam is having some leg pain issues)! I'm actually starting to get "urges" to go out and exercise (above and beyond the daily stuff)!!
Total Weight Loss: -21.2 pounds
Determination Level: NOT GIVING UP!
Monday, July 27, 2009
WEEKS 13 & 14

and then I got lazy! Don't get me wrong, I kept up with
my exercising, I just got lazy when it came to food. Maybe "lazy" isn't the right word for it - "comfortable" is more like it. I got too comfortable grabbing something to eat (Del Taco, chips, corn dog...) and then telling myself, "I'll make up for it at the next meal." That rarely
happened. I either wouldn't eat at all or I'd grab something again! What's with the self-sabotage??!!
My new focus... meal planning. If I want to continue to
see results, I need to get back to thinking ahead.
I'm going to try some new recipes (Weight Watchers and
Hungry Girl). I'll let you know how it goes.
I'm also adding to my workout. In addition to doing the
Wii Active at least 4 day this week, I plan to walk at least 5
days. It helps to have someone to walk with. My pal Sam and I walked a mile and a quarter today. We'll add a few more laps tomorrow!
Don't forget to enter my giveaway!
Week Thirteen Results: +0.9 pounds
Week Fourteen Results: -1.1 pounds
Total Weight Loss: -21.2 pounds
Determination Level: BACK ON TRACK
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Here's what you'll get:
- a mini-metal tray magnet - "When I say the word 'Exercise',..."
- a fun blue whisk so you can whip up something yummy
- vintage/retro recipe cards
- a retro-style recipe box to hold all of your favorite diet-friendly recipes
- cute pink polka dot tissues
To enter:
Post a comment here (between now and August 1).
Leave your email address so I can contact you if you win!
Thanks for stopping by!
Saturday, July 18, 2009

Stay tuned next week for details!
Week Twelve Results: -2.0 pounds
Total Weight Loss: -21.0 pounds
Determination Level: FEELIN' GOOD
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
WEEKS 10 & 11

such a hard time seeing ourselves the way we
really are? I've spent the last two weeks complaining
that I was having a "fat week". Anytime someone would
comment (or compliment me) on my weight loss, I
would respond with a "I feel like a cow" or "I don't
feel like I've lost much". When I looked in the mirror
or at a picture of myself, I didn't see someone who
had lost almost 20 pounds, I only felt defeated.
Well silly girl, SNAP OUT OF IT!! I'm doing fine!!
I'm out of the 180's and only 1 pound from my first
20 pound goal! I'm right on track!! I can do this!
I'm looking good!!
Week Ten Results: -1.5 pounds
Week Eleven Results: -2.5 pounds
Total Weight Loss: -19.0 pounds
Determination Level: HIGH
Monday, June 22, 2009

Damn Dorritos and chocolate chip cookies!!
I worked out 4 days last week - I actually completed the sessions on the Wii Active!! I figured that was why I was eating more... it wasn't until Saturday that I realized that pounding down a half a bag of Dorritos, scarfing down a cheeseburger AND stuffing myself full of cookie dough and chocolate chip cookies was more than "being a little hungry from my workout". I was suffering from out-of-control, compulsive eating - due mostly to premature PMS.
The good thing about gaining is that even though I feel a bit guilty and defeated, I am more determined than ever to get back on track.
Well, I'm off to the store to buy lots of fruit and veg to prevent further compulsive eating!
Week Nine Results: +1.3 pounds
Total Weight Loss: -15.0 pounds
Determination Level: HIGHER
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Monday, June 15, 2009

I can honestly say that I'm not completely dreading putting on a bathing suit!
Fun stuff...

Hungry Girl's Freezy-Fresa Strawberry Margaritas.
I used Fresca instead of Diet Sprite. YUMMY!!
Then we had HG's Lean Bean Cheesy Enchiladas
and a big green salad!! Mmmm...

What a FUN evening!!
The show was great, the food was yummy
and the company was fantastic!!!
Total Weight Loss: -16.3 pounds
Determination Level: REALLY HIGH
Monday, June 8, 2009

Boy did I dodge a bullet!!
I thought for sure that I was going to gain this week!!
#1. I didn't journal AT ALL.
#2. It was "that time of the month".
#3. NO planning.
#4. I was SO BUSY, that we ate out A LOT.
#5. I came pretty close to finishing an entire bag of
Oh, and I'm in the market for a beach cruiser bike.
Total Weight Loss: -14.3 pounds
Determination Level: HIGH
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Week Six Results: -2.0 pounds
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
I was going to skip weigh-in this week, knowing that I had gained. I decided that in order to be true to myself and this process, I needed to face the music. The results of my extended celebration are listed below...

Total Weight Loss: -10.1 pounds
Determination Level: HIGH
Friday, May 22, 2009
The Morning After!!

Didn't do too bad otherwise, but still have major regret for eatting one of the cupcakes before going to bed!!
Well, it WAS my birthday after all!!
We're headed to Arizona for some post-birthday R&R.
Will probably eat way too much there!
Week 5 weigh-in will be a bit delayed until we get home.
Have a GREAT weekend y'all!!
Monday, May 18, 2009

Monday, May 11, 2009

Total Weight Loss: -10.1 pounds
Determination Level: STILL HIGH!
Monday, May 4, 2009

half-assed planning
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Peruvian-Style Chicken Breasts

You'll have to marinade the chicken, so make sure to plan ahead.
For me, the longer it marinades, the better!!

Makes 6 servings.
1/4 cup dry white wine
2 garlic cloves, peeled
2 tbsp soy sauce
2 tbsp fresh lime juice
1 tbsp olive oil
1 canned chipotle en adobo
2 tsp honey
2 tsp fresh thyme
2 tsp paprika
6 (8-ounce) bone-in chicken breasts, skinned
1/4 tsp salt
- Combine the wine, garlic, soy sauce, lime juice, olive oil, chipotle, honey, thyme, and paprika in a blender; pulse on high speed until the mixture is smooth, about 2 minutes. Pour the marinade into a zip-close plastic bag; add the chicken. Squeeze out the air and seal bag; turn to coat the chicken. Refrigerate, turning the bag occasionally, 45 minutes.
- Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 375 degrees; lightly spray a jelly-roll pan with nonstick spray.
- Remove the chicken from the bag, discard the marinade, and arrange the chicken in the pan. Sprinkle chicken with salt, then roast, basting with the pan juices every 10 minutes, until cooked through, about 45 minutes. Remove chicken from the oven and brush with the pan juices.
Per serving (1 breast): 194 Cal, 5g Fat, 1g Sat Fat, 92mg Chol, 312mg Sod, 1g Carb, 0g Fib, 34g Prot, 18mg Calc. POINTS: 4.
Serve with some rice, black beans and a big salad and you've got a perfect meal!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
My First Week
Three of my yummy choices this week:

Spicy Black Bean Burger - 2 points
The Skinny Cow Low Fat
Ice Cream Sandwiches - 2 points
TLC Pumpkin Pie Fruit & Grain Bar - 2 points
Stay tuned for one of the recipes I tried last week!
Week One Results: -4.6 pounds
Sunday, April 19, 2009
The Journey Begins
I'm going on a diet!".
I'm SO SICK of seeing pictures like this one!
I'll be 38 next month, I'm 198 pounds and I need to make a change! Instead of hiding from the camera, I've decided to use it to help keep me accountable to my weight loss journey. Even if no one else sees it, I'm going to journal my efforts here and hopefully see results.
My first two weeks, I'm going to work on changing my eatting habbits. I'll be following the Weight Watchers program. Week Three I will incorporate some exercise. I will "weigh-in" once a week and post a picture.
Well, here we go kids! Wish me luck!
Hope I'm a BIG loser!!